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Village Brush and Leaf Services

The Village of Climax facilitates limited Brush and Leaf Pickups for its residents. Please see information details below.

Brush Pickup

Notice to Village Residents:


At its regular meeting held on June 7, 2011, the Village Council established a policy on Brush Pickup.  Effective as of this date, the Department of Public Works will only pick up the following:


  1. Brush / (tree limbs) 3 inches or less in diameter.

  2. Brush / (tree limbs) cut to 4 foot length or less.

  3. Small amount only (A "small amount" is one load that will fit into the bed of a pickup truck)

  4. Pickups on Fridays - if time allows


Brush and/or tree debris that does not meet these measurements will not be picked up.  Please be aware that all brush and tree debris is the responsibility of the homeowner to dispose of properly.


Large amounts (brush that will not fit in a pickup bed in one load) is the responsibility of the home owner.  You may take the brush to the designated brush pile located in the well field (at the end of Sunflower Street).  No COMMERCIAL DUMPING allowed.


Leaf Pickup




Dear Village Residents;


When fall is upon us, Leaf Pickup Service begins again. In an attempt to organize leaf pickup the Village Council has adopted the following pick up schedule:


MONDAY:   Main & Maple Streets - Curbs and Gutters ONLY.


TUESDAY:  Church, Cherry and Sheldon Streets.


WEDNESDAY:  Main & Maple (Non-curbs and Gutters) and Ebinger.


THURSDAY:   Hancock, all of Lovell and Watson Streets.


FRIDAY:   Maple Circle area Streets and Sunnymead area Streets.


Note:  Tree limbs/branches – The DPW will not pick up large amounts (more than a Dump Truck full) of tree limbs, brush or branches.  This is the responsibility of the home owner.  Village residents however, may take their brush or branches to a designated area just north of Sunflower Street. (follow the dirt road extending off of Sunflower Street).  Grass clippings and leaves can also be dumped in their designated areas.  (Please no garbage)


Mulch:  The piles of grass clippings and decayed leaves make great mulch and garden fertilizer.  If you need some mulch, help yourself to as much as you need. Mulch is located at the compost area just north of Sunflower Street.


The DPW uses a leaf vacuuming system.  This leaf vacuuming equipment has proven to be the most efficient and also the most cost effective method to meet the needs of the Village.  There are also some limitations to the vacuuming system that require the following set of restrictions:


  •         Please place leaves in PILES, not in a linear fashion

  •      No MULCHED leaves.

  •      No STICKS in the leaves.

  •      No STONES.

  •      No Animal Waste.

  •      Do not place WATER on the leaves.

  •      No WALNUTS


If we get an early snow, then the leaf pickup will be finished for the year. 


Thank you for your cooperation.  Please watch the Crescent Newspaper for further updates.



Village of Climax Hall

114 E. Maple St. 

PO Box 145

Climax, MI 49034


Open to Public Meetings

1st and 3rd Tuesdays of Month - 6:30 PM

History Room at Lawrence Memorial District Library

107 N. Main St.

Climax, MI 49034

Livestreams of Public Meetings

1st and 3rd Tuesdays of Month - 6:30 PM

Climax Crescent Facebook

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